Friday 24 February 2012

What a night!

So glad to be hitting the sack tonight!  OHs birthday was going well until DD decided to go out and couldn't find her car key. She turfed house up looking and nowhere to be found but her bag with phone, purse and work stuff was locked in the car so only conclusion was that she'd locked keys in car. To add further problems I discovered her tyre was completely flat. Luckily for her mummy pays for family cover with RAC who arrived in 10 minutes as they often wait at Lymm services just up the road. The guy tried various methods to get in the car then took 20 mins to take the sunroof off and finally got access but no key aaaargh!

No idea where it is but at least she's got her stuff out the car now.

So glad to chill out now :). Got a little pic to share tonight of sitting pretty gorjuss girl who'll be coming to a card soon. Just need to do the hair a bit deeper and add more shadow. Loving the turquoise combo Deb gave me (duck egg, cool aqua, aquamarine and honeydew), added a little ice grey in too :)

Anyway off to bed, thanks for stopping by x


Anne-Marie said...

Don't get me started on car keys...hhmmphhh.
Your colouring just amazes me...sigh.

Roma said...

Gorgeously coloured image x

Sandra H said...

Hi, oh what a night still not keys?!! great though that the RAC Didn't take too long and was able to get her bag out of the car with the other contents, Gorgeous image and so beautifully coloured too can't wait for the completed card:) Sandra H

Kathleen said...

Gorgeous image. Loving the colour. Look forward seeing the card.
Kathleen x

nessy said...

gosh what a night ~hope you got a good nights sleep!!
vanessa xx