Saturday 4 February 2012

Im blind!

Evening all!  Gosh isn't it cooooooold!  Im a tad peeved we don't have snow yet, we've got lots of frozen slush which will make the roads lethal. My car went round 2 corners sideways on way home today and I was bearly doing 10mph so fortunately steered it back but its much worse out now. Much prefer snow, people become friendlier as they walk rather than drive and I love the quietness it brings :)

Anyway sharing a work in progress tonight. Zoe from make it crafty has been encouraging people to ditch the black inkpad and try something lighter. Not to be one to do anything by halves I went for peach bellini which is *really* light!  Oh my word I think I've gone blind trying to do these!  I think I'll leave it till daytime as I like to plonk in front of the box with a pile of colouring and I can't see it lol!  Looks ok so far so will show you finished one next week :)

Thanks for the comments on my tutorials, I hope you're enjoying them and do let me know what else you'd like to colour.

Night night and stay warm peeps!


Jacki Daniels said...

I still haven't mastered this technique yet but love yours
You should come over here we have snow enough for all a good 3-4 inches horrid stuff hate it
Jacki xx

Unknown said...

Oh my! I have a hard enough time doing the dark images :O) Good Luck! Hugs! Leah Ann

Anonymous said...

Definitely brighter! But I have to say I do like this look - reminds me of summer and warm days, lol. BTW we have snow - not much but it's laying. xx

Debbi Powell Designs said...

I've not gone miles away from black anf used blue for a Lili of the Valley card I am working on at the moment. I think I will try the light coloured ink too. It gives such a different affect. You know I think you tutorial are great. There is one thing I am struggling a bit with at the moment, the hair on Lili of the Valley fairies, particularly this one I would be grateful for any tips? Hugs x

Sue said...

Hi hun
no snow here, just wet stuff, like you say at least you can see the snow!
She is looking fab so far, look forward to seeing her finished, don't give yaself eye strain, i luv reading your tutorials, sue,xx