This tutorial is for doing blonde hair using minimal colours using promarkers (or copics). For skin tones & brown hair see the previous tutorial here
Vanilla (or your usual skin tone)
A brown of your choice (I used terracotta)
E00 (or your usual skin tone)
A brown of your choice
Colour your hair using vanilla and leave quite a wide band of white where you think the light will reflect. A bump on the hair is usually a good place!

Take the cap off the chisel end of the brown and pick up some of the colour with your vanilla pen (It wont harm it!) If you're using copics then scribble some of the colour you pick up onto scrap paper as the concentration of brown will be a bit harsh.
Just scribble the vanilla nib onto the brown nib to pick up some colour.
From the edges of the hair blend inwards towards the band of white you left so in this design I've worked underneath the headband and from all the hair edges inwards. Leave part of your original vanilla showing and don't go into the white just yet. Repeat this a couple of times to build up some tones and shade.
Making sure your vanilla nib is clean again (scribble off onto scrap paper) blend inwards from the edge again and start going into the white bit you left but leave some of it exposed.
This tutorial is for doing blonde hair using minimal colours using promarkers (or copics). For skin tones & brown hair see the previous tutorial here
Vanilla (or your usual skin tone)
A brown of your choice (I used terracotta)
E00 (or your usual skin tone)
A brown of your choice
Colour your hair using vanilla and leave quite a wide band of white where you think the light will reflect. A bump on the hair is usually a good place!

Take the cap off the chisel end of the brown and pick up some of the colour with your vanilla pen (It wont harm it!) If you're using copics then scribble some of the colour you pick up onto scrap paper as the concentration of brown will be a bit harsh.
Just scribble the vanilla nib onto the brown nib to pick up some colour.

From the edges of the hair blend inwards towards the band of white you left so in this design I've worked underneath the headband and from all the hair edges inwards. Leave part of your original vanilla showing and don't go into the white just yet. Repeat this a couple of times to build up some tones and shade.

Making sure your vanilla nib is clean again (scribble off onto scrap paper) blend inwards from the edge again and start going into the white bit you left but leave some of it exposed.
It should look something like this now. You should have a small band of white where the light reflects and running light through to a darker blonde towards the ends. Job done!
I'm now adding in PASTEL YELLOW to make blonde.
Colour in your vanilla as before and instead of picking up the brown use pastel yellow instead so colour your pastel yellow over the vanilla leaving bits of vanilla and all of your white exposed.

Push your pastel yellow in with the vanilla and start pushing into the white area leaving some of it exposed. Repeat step 1 and 2 until you're happy with the tone.
Whilst the ink is still wet literally touch some of your brown in areas of shade (as below) This works much better if your ink is still wet from the blending of the previous steps.
Blend this in quickly with your vanilla pushing in towards your white areas and leaving some of them exposed.
The image on the left is using just the vanilla and terracotta and the image on the right is using vanilla, terracotta and pastel yellow. Both are blonde hair but have different looks so it depends on what look you want to achieve. The left is more of a natural look and the right is much bolder.
I'm now adding in PASTEL YELLOW to make blonde.

Another fab tutorial Vixs, keep em coming.
Hugs Marsha xx
Oh to be clever!
Fab tutorial, brown hair is not problem but I struggle with blonde so hopefully you have now resolved that.
Sarah x
Brilliant Tutorial< thank you, I need more colours!
Fab tutorial - thanks for this. I had a go at it and was doing really well following your instructions until.... I picked up the dusky pink instead of vanilla hahaha now she has a strange tinge to her hair.... may have to make her into a brunette LOL!
Sarah x
Vixs this tutorial is bloomin fantastic thankyou so much for sharing, i have struggled with blonde hair using promarkers for months and i have just sat and coloured the way you have shown and its turned out brilliantly. Thankyou... you are a star.
Love n hugs
Vikki xx
This tutorial is great! Thank so much.
Fantastic tutorial, very helpful for a beginner!
Hugs from Sweden!
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