I've been a bit MIA lately, not been around too much so going to have a catch up! If you're wondering what WOYWW is all about pop over to The Stamping Ground and have a mooch over other crafters creative chaos. I've sorted out my craft room as planned, made lots of space and thought long and hard whether I'm going to use a lot of the bits and bobs again. I think if I sent someone a card using printed decoupage, tea bag folding or iris folding they'd think I'd had a breakdown! Its a bit like Cath sending out a Tilda card, it just wouldnt happen lol! I donated a *lot* of stuff to Birchwood Community Church who run craft classes so they have plenty to play with for a while!
As I'm catching up I took these pics last week after I'd sorted my room out. I feel a bit embarrassed as it still looks a mess but ts organised chaos and ain't bad compared to what it was lol!
These are my starburst stains which are out of kids reach. I left my hydrangea blue on the desk the other day and Molly painted herself with it so they're stored HIGH up! Thats a cross stitch pic I remember making around 1994!
Ths cupboard is hard to access and houses dangerous and difficult to get out of the furnture items lke alcohol inks, acrylic pains, color washes etc.
My very orderly drawer of embossing powders, mainly moonglow ones!

My messy desk! I have starburst stains colour charts, my colour wheel, Molly's first chalk drawng, a picture panted by Ethan, a card I bought off Judy as I loved everything about it, my bead collection, papers, sticky gems, sewng machine, a canvas I've started with Molly's hand and footprints, 2 art decos which are now posted. I had done another set of angels and was just packing them and realised they'd asked for landscape and mine were portrait, I could cry seriously I could cry!
After I dropped off my stash for the church I popped into the charity shop next door and lookie what I scored for a quid :D :D :D
My messy desk! I have starburst stains colour charts, my colour wheel, Molly's first chalk drawng, a picture panted by Ethan, a card I bought off Judy as I loved everything about it, my bead collection, papers, sticky gems, sewng machine, a canvas I've started with Molly's hand and footprints, 2 art decos which are now posted. I had done another set of angels and was just packing them and realised they'd asked for landscape and mine were portrait, I could cry seriously I could cry!
Final wrap up - well we've been out to see Thomas! I actually really dislike Thomas the Tank but my kids love him so I'll indulge them sometimes! They had a great day out hopping on and of trains all day and I lost count how many times they went on Thomas!
We're now confined to the house as Mols has erupted with chicken pox today aaaargh! I don't belieeeeeeve it! I'd got a free week next week and had planned to catch up with my neglected friends and all my odds and ends I need to sort out so now have the prospect of 2 toddlers with chickenpox with OH off on a bike tour. I'm already feeling a bit run down with the fibro having a go at my wrists again and the miserable weather isnt helping anybody except the grass! My laptop has been playing up too until it went into meltdown this week so OH has now fixed it so hopefully I'll be able to get on with admin kinda things like the cards for nan album which I can only edit in the evening so thats on my to do list next week.
Also the decos I need to do (or redo!) Wish there were a few more hours in the day!
Nevermind I get there eventually lol!
Night all :)
Great desk pics! Hope you survive the chicken pox - it's best they catch it young at least!! Hope you get back on track soon.
OMG Vix, I'm exhausted reading your blog, lol.
I remember it well, those days of house arrest because of stuff like chicken pox etc etc.
Keep your chin up, x
welcome back, lovely snoop, and soooo many lovely tiny bottles. Have a great woyww! (((Lyn))
Awe...poor Mols and poor you! Hope she gets better soon.
Love the bargain you grabbed are you going to play with them or alter them i wonder!!
Organised chaos looks fab to me!
Now that's my kind of organisation, lol, but maybe a little tidier, he, he. Love the cupboards and shelves - great to have them out of reach and safe. Sorry to hear about Mol - hope they aren't ill with it AND that they don't drive you to distraction. Take deep breaths!!!! Thanks for the triominoes, too :D You're a love. Cathx
Great to see your organised chaos! And call that a bead collection, lol xx
love the stash of moonglow you hoarder !!!!
sewing machine scares the hell out of me, I cant even thread one up let alone sew something with it
Hope the kiddiewinks are okie, dont let them scratch them, the chemist do a cream that you smoother on instead of the dreaded camomile lotion, lot less mess as well hun - big hugs for you, hope you do get some time for you xx
know what you mean about busy little fingers getting hold of your paint and inks....constant battle with my grandson, lokks like your daughter was in awe of Thomas
Oh lovely work area! The chicken pox will soon be a memory.
lovely to see your crafty space where all your inky magic happens! TFS hugs Juls
ooh you sound weighed down a bit - hope the Kids are not suffering too much and hope your wrists ease up soon, glad youa re still poducgin a fab workspace to show us..
Well you look very organised Vix, wish I was. Hope your little one gets over the chicken pox ok and does not get too itchy. I remember it well too as I got it when my kids got it
very well organised stash Vix! sorry to hear about the littleys, chickenpox isn't nice! Hope your wrists feel better soon too x
Lovely to see your organised goodies and all on show so you know where they are. Hope your little girl get over her chicken pox soon. Thanks for the snoop Hugs JO.xxx
Great desk - best of luck with chickenpox!
Hi Vix
great piccies, very organised, never seen them domies b4, Hope the pox go soon not nice, great piccie, have great weekend, sue,x
fab to see the behind the scenes mate
left something on my blog for you
Lots going on at your desk. It will be waiting for you after the seige of the pox. Take care of yourself during all this as you have a full plate.
I hate it when things are hard to get to, and you have to move a bunch of other things in order to get to what you need. I store my eps upside down so I can see the colors. You sure have a lot of them.
Sorry I'm late visiting, but my computer contracted a virus on Wednesday. It's still not fixed, but I had to make sure I wasn't infecting anyone before I resumed my visits. Happy belated WOYWW.
Ooooh, love looking at other peoples craft spaces. Hope Mol will soon be better.
If you pop over to my blog, Vix, there's a little something for you, hun (with a cherry on top, lol).
Wow I am so jealous of your stash and I wish my desk was that tidy!
Amy xx
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