Tuesday 19 January 2010

Dewdrop Craftz #6 - Lilac & Green

Dewdrop Craftz are hosting another challenge, this time it's Lilac & Green. These work so well together and sure brightens a cold dreary day. I say cold because I've had no heating since thursday and its kinda brrrrrr in here! The 3rd gasman finally arrived at gone 4pm today and we have HEAT yay!!

I digress, back to the challenge lol!

Image is Summer Flower Girl by Dewdrop Craftz, you'll find her here. I've coloured with promarkers using the blender for highlights and greys for shadows. The sky is done with heritage shimmer ink and a piece of cut n dry foam.
Background papers are printouts from bearly mine designer extreme disk 3 and I've edged the white base card with shimmerz pixie dust for a bit more bling!

Sentiment is HOTP (I think) stamped with lime green ink. Had a smile & chuckle to myself about this as Cath has been tearing her hair out over clear stamps squashing down when stamped. I see it as a design feature, adds character but Cath is one perfectionist crafter who wont rest until its perfect and has been running experiments on her blog!

Anyhow I do hope you can join in over at Dewdrop Craftz challenge!

I'm also entering this for...

Passion for Promarkers - Any Colour and Girls, girls, girls
Sophisticat - Spring


The Crafty Den said...

What a gorgeous card. The image is stunning and your colouring perfect. Great papers and layout. Thanks for joining us at PFP this week. Hugs, Denise x

Anonymous said...

Hi Vix, I hope you got my card today,cause I forgot to ask if the email got to you ok this morning...

Heating, heating...don't talk to me about heating...3 month's we had no darn central heating...
Thankfully it's all sorted now, and the house is like bermudaaaaaa lovely

I was in bed till an hour ago...couldn't sleep, so I am here checking out a few blog's..

Love this card...I think your shading is great, especially on the skirt part, very effective...
I really like the image, I just get put off by large area's to colour, it takes me hour's...
that's why I am having a break from copic's, it can be so tedious for me at times.

How you getting on with the ATC thing...I must confess, apart from lack of time, to be honest would you believe I have never made one..
"Has that shocked you " I have alway's thought them way too Arty for me...

love that candy you found, I did pop over but it's finished now, so good luck with it..
Off to try and get some sleep now, speak soon...

Anonymous said...

A lovely card. Thanks for playing along at PfP this week.
Sam xx

Michele Roos said...

Such a pretty card, love the colours you've used. Thanks for joining us this week at PFP. Hugs Michele x

Wishcraft said...

Lovely card Vix, such gorgeous colours and colouring! Lisa x

WendyK said...

Beautifully done, I must have a go with the pro markers, you are brilliant with them, and the colours are really good together. Thank you for visiting my Blog

hazel said...

Great card Vix, lovely colours. I ordered some Pro markers last weekend, hope they arrive soon so I can have a play. xxx Hazel.

Juls said...

wow!!! This is just beautiful!! Hugs Juls

Unknown said...

Stunning Card, such pretty colours together...thank you for joining us at Sophisticats this week. Hugs Avril xxx

Debbie Dolphin said...

so beautiful vix.love your colouring.never used promarkers.Still getting used to copicsxxxx
debbie xxx

Anjie said...

What a beautiful card. Thanks for joining us this week at PFP.