Thursday 16 December 2010

Any Christmas babies?

I just thought I'd mention this (pass me my soapbox please Meesh!) I've noticed a couple of challenges running recently on "December birthdays" and the DT creations are beautiful, they really are *but* theyre essentially christmas cards with happy birthday on...

I'm a christmas baby as is my fwend Meesh and as Christmas babies I'd like to mention that we always get forgotten about.  We've lived our lives with comments such as "I got you this for xmas and your birthday" and birthday presents wrapped in spare christmas paper, tins of roses and leftover bottles of wine (I dont drink wine!)  Our birthday presents being left under the christmas tree (wrapped in xmas paper and the only way you know the dfference is if happy birthday is written on the label!)  We're slap bang in the middle of christmas and new year and WE WANT A BIRTHDAY like July people have!

So please spare a thought for us Christmas Babies and our forgotten birthdays and send a december baby a nice bright cheeful completely non christmas card and make their day!

PS.... I like cherry lambrini and archers :)


Juanita said...

I couldn't agree more with this post. My birthday is on the 31st so I know a little bit about this.

Annie said...

oh Happy Birthday to you whatever day it falls on (half asleep so you may have said in your post)
errrrrrrrrrr about that spare wine - LOL
seriously though sorry this has happened to you and will bear what you said in mind for other friends.
Ann xxx

Meesh said...

Well said, Vix! I was born on the 29th and my daughter on the 27th. Knowing how rubbish my Birthday's always been I put extra effort into making Bozley's Birthday special.
I don't want a joint Birthday/Christmas present from skinflints who are supposed to care about me... AND I definitely don't want a 'Christmas Birthday' card!
Oh and I don't drink wine either, but I could open my own off licence with the amount I've received over the years... from people who know I DON'T DRINK WINE! In fact, I don't drink, so it's not that hard to figure a bottle of wine isn't my ideal gift. LOL.

Off my soapbox now :) XXX

Kym's Crafty Cards said...

I know what you mean. I have a friend at work whose birthday is Christmas Day and a sister-in-law whose birthday is 28th and I always make their cards so far away from Christmas colours/themes as possible. For my friend at work I always get her a present for her birthday and also one for Christmas and would never dream of sharing the present for both occasions as I don't get a present in October saying this is for Christmas as well!!! Hope you have a lovely birthday. Best wishes, kym xxx

Vicky said...

Hi Vicky totally understand where you are cming from I myself am a July baby, sorry lol. However my sons birthday is the last day of he either gets the crimbo birthday thing or gets forgotten about completely cus people are too busy making their plans for New Years Eve. Instead we have always spoilt him lol....any excuse for us mums really lol. Totally agree with what you are saying tho....

Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

Wishcraft said...

I totally agree Vix - my grandma's birthday is on the 20th and I'd never think to make her anything Christmassy.

Mine's a couple of weeks after Christmas and people tend to get my pressies in the January sales... often ends up a bit random lol! Lisa x

Sarah_W said...

Hehehe that's why I got you the cherry lambrini last year! I think you should nominate a day in the summer when you will have your unofficial birthday so that you can get pressies at another time of year. Shannon is 30th Dec (damn Easter army leave!) and it's a real struggle to afford stuff for 4 kids for xmas and her again a couple of days later... might suggest that idea to her too!

Anonymous said...

Well you're not getting a Christmassy birthday card from me. In fact if the post carries on being as late as it has been lately you may just have to call it a Happy-Birthday-New-Year-Easter-Card, LOL.
Now do you drink the Lambrini with the Archers?????

lisa said...

Well said. I have a friend who's a Christmas Day baby and I always make a special effort to give her a PROPER birthday card and a pressie wrapped in PROPER birthday wrapping paper. She said to me this week that because she is a Christmas baby she never ever had a birthday party as a child. How sad is that?
I wish all Christmas babies a Very Happy Birthday.
Hugs Lisax

Nicki said...

Maybe you should be like the Queen and have 2 birthdays Vix, then you could have one in the summer too! I saw a few of those Christmas Birthday challenges and thought the same as you - I bet most of those cards had the birthday sentiment swapped for a Christmas one as soon as the photos were taken, LOL!!

I hope you have a lovely Christmas and a wonderful, but completely separate, birthday!

Hugs, Nicki, xx

Val said...

I also endorse this. I used to work for somebody whose birthday is Christmas Eve, and I always separated her birthday from Christmas - to the extent that I posted everything separately as well if I was not seeing her, as I have done this year as well.

Val said...

Happy Birthday - whatever day your birthday is!

Viv said...

Poor you! That must suck big time!

Thanks for the message via Tracy Payne, I had no idea about this image and where it originated. I've since been to the proper website and paid for the same image from them cos I hate feeling guilty!

Viv :)

Lisa said...

I know just what you mean, even though I'm a July girl. My Mom's is today (21st) and my son's is Christmas Eve. We try really hard to get all the Christmas stuff done, so that he can have a birthday special day, not an extension of Christmas.

Happy birthday for yours x

Eiglas said...

I couldn't agree more Vix! My cousin Su has a Christmas Day birthday and I make a point of sending her distinctly un-festive birthday cards! And I usually give her her present early so it's not lost in the chaos of Christmas Day.
My son's lovely girl Raechel is the same - 28th Dec - so I do the same for her.

Love the card, by the way...! LOL!