As some of you know I help run a yahoo card making group, we have regular swaps and challenges. Some of the feedback I've received as been along the lines of some dont feel they can join in as they feel their work isnt good enough or that they find it intimidating. With this in mind we have a monthly "Noobie swap" (pronounced Newbie!) where people with less experience can swap with people at their own level. They can stay in this swap for as long as they wish and gain confidence to join in more formal swaps.
I'm an avid blogger myself and love the challenges on offer and often take part but there are times that I see a challenge and dont take part because it is too complicated. Now I have been making cards for 6 years, I have been a published designer, I have won a category and runner up in a cardmaker of the year competition in a national magazine, I have won and been placed in the top 5 of numerous competitions and been featured on places like Hobbycraft yet even I am intimidated by some challenges! Now put yourself into a new and inexperienced card makers shoes.... Can you see them entering a challenge when faced with some awesome design team work?
Dont get me wrong, I love DT work, its stunning but sometimes you think OMG mine looks rubbish! If I can feel like that I can only imagine what a new cardmaker feels like!
This is why I have set up a new blog, it will be a haven for new cardmakers, people who are shy about showing off their work and less experienced crafters. The design team will be made up of new cardmakers through to more experienced ones so there will be a range of examples.
The aim is to give experience and gain confidence to join in more challenges and swaps on any of the numerous blogs and groups to open up the crafting community as a whole.
I am looking to launch on 24th August (maybe sooner if I can get everything in place) and I am on the lookout for Design Team members of any level of experience from new through to intermediate and experienced. Designs will be anything from peel offs to stamping so it doesnt matter what your style is. Get in touch if you're interested :)
Please spread the word around the crafting community and tell anyone you think might like it! New challenge blog is

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