She's sleeping well (when its my turn haha!) and only up once in the night, well I say night its actually about 6am! She goes back off again for a couple of hours so she's a breeze most of the time. Ethan on the other hand, well I have the tune Oh Fortuna by Carl Orff running through my head all the time lol! He's developed the green eyed monster the past couple of days, throws his toys and dummies around, follows his dad everywhere and DEMANDS his lap time. He just likes to park his bum on my lap and cling hold of my hair and god forbid you interrupt his lap time!!
It will pass I'm sure :)
As for me, well I'm feeling immensely calm and serene at the moment, very content. Just need to work on getting my body back, my waist is like a size 12 but I have the deflated balloon look belly still lol! Need to do some sit ups when I get discharged from the midwives. Its all coming off gradually, about 2-3lb a day (great diet eh lol!) Been looking at those Wii fit thingies, they sound like fun so will save up for one.
What else, well I havent managed to make anything yet, I did some stamping and colouring but Eefie is being very demanding at the mo so attention is diverted to him as he needs it and I'm usually too knackered in the evening plus my table is a mess with baby things so that needs organising and things finding a place then I can sit down and make sumfink! I got a koi brush to see if that makes any difference to colouring which I'm keen to experiment with so watch this space!
Heres new pics of Miss Molly Moomims, looks like she's going to have her daddy's green eyes, she's got his nose, my lips, my mums mouth and her right ear is starting to stick out just like her dad lol! She's looking less like Yoda with each day and more like a lil girl as the wrinkles start to disappear!

I guess mother knows her child more than MW or doctors. Glad it is taken care of. You are too funny, comparing her to Yoda. LOL!
Take care. xx Anna
Wow Vix she is gorgeous, I want one, do ya think I could go buy one haha. Glad she is being a good girl. My great nephew went through the green eyed stage when Roxy arrived and the age diff is the same as with effie and molly. It passed though even if he does still pinch Roxy's dummy and give her his. We figured out he was throwing teddys into the cot when she cried and it was his way of comforting her.
Yes he posted 2 of his manky duplo cars in her cot before, he doesnt give them to just ANYONE you know lol!
She is beautiful!!!
BTW...I stamped on tissue paper and then put that on the candle. Placed a piece of wax paper around the candle (cut enough to leave you excess so you can hold the wax paper behind the candle) and then used my heat gun. It melts the tissue paper onto the candle.
I had forgotten how cute and inocent new babies are...she is pulling at my heart strings. you have a real doll there!
She is so precious. Almost makes me want another one:)
She is gorgeous!
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